- The players are all called in the living room. There are several stands set up, each with a player's stone with his name on it. Each of them stand behind his/her stone. I can't see what's on the screen at this point.
- Joy and Mike come up the tubes, but remain in the elevators. They're not let out to roam the house.
- The players are told (not by Ori, but by one of the producers) what's going on: One of them will be able to take the money and run. Throughout the night, Ori will randomly display different monetary amounts on her screen for sixty seconds. Each time the amounts change, a tone will sound, so they'll know to check it out. At any point, one of them can pick up their stone and throw it at the TV (Well, I imagine they're not really breaking the TV - it's got to be that X-box technology they use when voting against the other players). That player will get the amount of money written on the screen. In the background, Stephanie looks pensive. Most of the other players are confused and not terribly interested.
- The producer goes on to explain that this is absolutely final, they are leaving the show forever.
- Earlier in the day, the viewers voted on Joy v. Mike. If any of the current players takes the money, Mike or Joy will take that person's place. They do not disclose which of them it will be.
- They're also reminded that there is no second place, so it's $250,000 or nothing.
- Erica asks if they can talk to Joy and Mike, and they say yes.
- Gene basically sets up camp outside Joy's tube. He tells her that he would leave in a heartbeat if he knew that she was the one returning. She tells him not to be stupid, she wouldn't let him do it. He laughs, because she physically can't stop him.
- The other players are talking to Mike, who I am trying hard to pretend doesn't exist.
- One by one, all the players are being asked about the money. It's weird, because you'd think they'd be in the confessional, but I can see the camera footage on the living room while I hear the questions. I can't see the person talking to the camera.
- Stephanie says that she has a unique perspective that the other remaining contestants do not. She's been in the bottom two weeks in a row. She knows exactly where the viewers rank her. None of the others (except maybe Andrea) can say that. For that reason, Steph thinks she's probably more tempted than the others.
- Gene says something like "If it's not six figures, you're wasting my time." He walks away. Erica seems offended that he could make fun of thousands of dollars. I mean, I can see how, if you think you're about to win $250k, someone offering you $5k instead could be a little insulting.
- The one amount I see is $7,777. No one takes it. They were told that the amounts could go up or down, so that tells us nothing.
- Eventually, someone figures out that the camera is streaming where it shouldn't be, and the feed cuts out.
So, that's what happened on Tuesday, and that's what we should see on Monday. We know from Wednesday's live feed that Stephanie decided to take the money at some point Tuesday night. We don't know how much, or if ABC will even tell us. Not that it really matters. From what we saw, unless ABC was intending to do a crazy twist to take the control out of the players' hands, she wasn't going to be able to win, anyway. America doesn't like smart people (that's so sad). We also know that Mike took her place, which completely screwed the entire dynamic of the show. The combination of the loss of the most engaging character, Erica's being dragged into complete insanity by her vagina, and finding that America actually wanted that insufferable ass on their TVs, the show went from "painfully bad" to "completely unwatchable." Maybe my perception will change after Monday's episode airs (or when I'm no longer on vacation, but... if nothing else, I'm afraid for the live feeds, because no one but Stephanie ever responded to organize things when Ori told them to do something. It's going to be, even more, everyone else standing around looking like idiots (especially since Kevin and Andrea can't be bothered to do what the viewers say anyway). No, thank you.
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