Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Live Feed - Tuesday, July 31, Afternoon

  • Erica and Kevin are in the Enemies room, discussing doing everything to whore themselves out to get in the tabloids and become more famous.  I expect that Kevin is joking and Erica is not.
  • Ori asks, if we could see one of the last two people eliminated return to the house, who would it be?  There is a special three-hour vote tonight.
  • Ori calls them into the living room.  They’re all ignoring her.  Stephanie and Jeffrey are talking in the kitchen.  Oh, I think Ori forgot to switch it so everyone could hear her rather than just us.  Glad to see that ABC’s tech team is consistent, if nothing else.
  • Gene is missing.  They say that he accidentally locked himself in the Twitter room?  Awesome.  Ok, no, he’s here.
  • Someone on Tout asks if there are any stereotypes about the places where they grew up and whether they fit?
    • Stephanie’s home town, a little town near Cincinnati, has a stereotype that no one ever leaves.  She’s lived all over the world, so she definitely doesn’t fit.
    • Kevin wants to talk about all the great things about Toledo.  I’m never going to Toledo, I don’t like Kevin, and I don’t care.
    • Jeffrey is originally from Orange County, and he doesn’t remotely fit any of the stereotypes - not ultra-blond, fake tan, ultra conservative.  He “ran away from the Orange curtain.”  He does think he fits a lot of the NYC stereotypes.  I love NYC, and I love Jeffrey, so that works.
    • Erica grew up like 10 miles from Stephanie, even though she’s now in Denver.  Anyway, she’s talking about conservative people, which she is not, and sheltered, which she is not.  She agrees with Steph’s thing, where the idea is that no one ever leaves.
    • Gene says that he feeds into a lot of the Chicago stereotypes - he loves the food, and Jordan, and Mayor Daly, but in other ways he’s not what you would expect.  I honestly have no expectations re: what people from Ohio or Chicago or like.
  • My feed messes up for the 2000th time, so I have to watch an extremely obnoxious commercial as I refresh.  The commercials on the East Coast are way less irritating.
  • Babies!  It sounds like someone asked who in the house they’d like to have a baby with.
    • I missed Gene’s answer, because ABC sucks
    • Stephanie would choose to have a baby with Jeffrey.
    • Jeffrey was going to say Erica until Steph went on and on about how awesome he is, and, if he has a baby with Erica, he’s going to need custody.
    • Kevin said that he would “also” like to have a baby with Gene, so I guess Gene says Kevin.  Kevin thinks they’ll have some big, strapping linemen, and he’d like to have an entire basketball team, not just one.
    • Erica says Kevin has gorgeous feet.  I’m so grossed out.  She wants a baby with Kevin.  If you didn’t guess that, you’re actually too stupid to be watching this (and that’s saying a LOT).
    • Oh!  The tout was asked by Erica’s sister-in-law!  That’s so funny.  She said she was like, “What a cute baby.  Looks like my nephew.”  And then she realized that it was!  Damn you, ABC, for making me watch this!
  • What is the creepiest thing that’s happened in the house?  If Gene, was it watching Jeffrey kiss Joy?
    • Stephanie said watching Alex walk out in Joy’s underwear.
    • Erica says it was when she stalked Jeffrey after the fake makeout session, and said, “But, so… what are we now?”  He says it was hilarious, though, because now he knows what it’s like to make out with girls.  That’s funny.
    • Kevin says it was totally the kissing competition.  Way too many emotions going on.  
    • Stephanie mentions that night Jeffrey put on his hoodie outside and was knocking on the window with a stone.  I saw that video.  That was creepy.  Erica agrees.
    • Gene says that it was when Alex came out in Joy’s underwear and you couldn’t tell he was male.  He also said that Joy would offer him a bite of something off her fork, and then Alex would ask for the same bite off the same form that Gene and Joy had used.  That’s bizarre.
    • Gene thought that watching Joy and Jeffrey make out was totally hot, because if she could be that hot in a fake make out, kissing her must be amazing.  Watching Jeffrey and Erica was more awkward.
    • Erica clarifies that her sister-in-law is her new favorite Touter, rather than random blue-haired guy.
    • Oddly enough, I can’t think of anything I want to do less than appear on Ori’s video wall.
  • Damn.  The mildly entertaining portion of the live feed is over, so we transition to the weird and awkward bullshit portion of the feed.
    • They have to blow bubbles and we’re voting?  No.  Can’t we just SEE the biggest?  Why do we need to vote? 
    • Huh.  My ass is falling asleep.  Maybe it missed my brain.
  • To keep us from falling asleep, Ori reads a tweet asking how they would change their strategy if they found they were just riding someone’s coattails.
    • Erica spends a lot of time saying no, in a weird roundabout way.
    • Steph thinks that you need to better define yourself as an individual if people are only voting for you because they like someone else.  You can’t win that way.
    • Gene says that some people seem to have a strategy that is 100% riding someone else’s coattails.
    • Kevin says, if you’re doing that, “Hold on tight and keep riding!”  Good point, although Steph’s was better
    • Huh.  Guess I missed what Jeffrey said.  Oh, well.
  • Ori says that we voted on whether we enjoyed their answers?  I didn’t see that, but I appreciate that Ori played a sound effect of booing.
  • As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?  Are you doing that now?
    • My questions are all totally better than this one.
    • Stephanie wanted to be a teacher.  She’s not doing that now, although she did teach six grade for two years.  My sister’s boyfriend teaches sixth grade.  Stephanie and I have so much in common!
    • She also wanted to be a princess, but couldn’t find any job openings.
    • Kevin wanted to be in New Kids on the Block.  He also wanted to be a cop, so he’s living the dream
    • Jeffrey wanted to be a robber!  That’s cute.  Actually, he wanted to be a movie director.  He also wanted to be a playwriter.  He wrote a little, but he’s currently a receptionist.
    • When I was a child, I wanted to be pretty with big boobs when I grew up.  *sigh*  Well, I made it halfway there.  I leave it to you to decide which half.
    • Erica wanted to be a writer, then a paleontologist, but she is trying to be a writer.  
    • Gene wanted to “play video games and hang out.”  That’s awesome.  Me, too, Gene.  He’s not doing that, because he’s not a video game tester, but he has enough spare time as a stunt man that is able to play video games, hang out, and have fun at work.  Damn.  Now I want to be a stuntman when I grow up.  A pretty stuntman, with big boobs.  
  • The bubble contest begins.  I go to check my email.  
    • Hey!  I won the Nigerian Facebook Microsoft Lottery when my long-long uncle died and left me a job as a mystery shopper!!!!!!!!!   I’M RICH!!!  WOO-HOO!!
    • Oh!  Apparently, Dr. Fluffles first name is “Terry.”  Nice.
    • Stephanie puts her bubbles directly in front of the camera to make them look bigger.  That’s awesome.
  • What makes you different from the other players?
    • They answered this last night.  Great.  There are so few tweets, they’re recycling them?  WHY NOT USE MINE?  Eff you, ABC.
    • Stephanie is different because her brain works differently.  That’s because she’s smarter than everyone else.  It’s true, but the dumbasses in the general public don’t like when smart people acknowledge that they’re smart.
    • Gene has embraced every aspect of the game.  I think Steph has done that, too.
    • Erica is using this experience to better herself.
    • Kevin doesn’t know the rest of them well enough to really say, but he’s claiming to be exactly the same as he is in the real world.  Does he spend a lot of time in the real world hitting on married women and forming inappropriate relationships with them?  Does he often kiss women one day and throw them into limbo the next? 
    • Jeffrey says that he has a big heart.
    • Erica made an I <3 Kevin sweater?  What? I’m so afraid.
    • Ori tells them that, maybe some day, they should compete on a TV show with millions of people watching.  Maybe they should, because this show isn’t it.
  • Ori acts like she’s signing off.  Let’s see if she does.  I hope so, because I need to go shower.
    • They’re all talking about showmancing.  Steph and Jeffrey decide to form an “awesome individual-mance.”  An “IndependMance”, if you will.  Have I mentioned that I hate made-up words?
    • Gene and Jeffrey talking about the Olympics.  Apparently, a real gold medal is worth about $40k.  
    • Stephanie thinks it’s weird that the question she got to her personally last night came out to everyone today.  I agree. 
    • Is Joy riding Gene’s coat-tails?  Yes.  Whatever.  I’m over this show.  
    • They’re just talking about the timeline for the rest of the day.  Gene wants Joy back.  Duh.
    • Zzzzzzzz.  They’re asking what makes everyone unique.  Steph agrees that no one has embraced the game quite as fully as Gene.  They both say that most of them stated things that are qualities they all have, and that if everyone else is the same, you don’t need them in the game.  Good point.  
    • They’re all tweeting.  Fascinating.
    • Gene says that it was really awkward waking up in the middle of the night and seeing Stephanie instead of Joy.  They start talking about the Weiner Wall, which apparently they didn’t bother with, and the feed ends.

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