Glass House Drinking Game

That’s right, folks!  You had to suspect this was coming.  It’s time for the “ABC’s The Glass House Drinking Game!”  Oh, yes.****
Take a Drink
  • During a live feed, every time they stand around awkwardly waiting for people to finish voting.
  • Every time ABC posts a “Do you think” type of question which has no impact on the game, and the results of which are never aired.
  • Every time Robin calls herself crazy or uses the term “cray-cray.”
  • When Holly refers to herself as “Yakkity Yak.”
  • Every time someone says, “Aunt Robin.”
  • When you see, or someone refers to, Dr. Fluffles.  Two shots if he meows.
  • Any time the players take a “smile break”.
  • When they talk about Alex.
  • When you hear someone say “showmance.”
  • Any time Erica and Stephanie show you what good friends they are.
  • When Stephanie mentions science, Mensa, or being a nerd.
  • Every time someone starts talking about “strategy”
  • When Mike makes up a story.
  • Any time Holly mentions her “fraternal twin sister” and you wonder if she’s sure what fraternal means.
  • When Holly tells a lie.
  • Any time the response given doesn’t really answer a question given to the players by Ori.
  • When Andrea looks pissed off or refuses to participate in something.
  • Every time Ashley uses the word “boo”.
  • When Andrea reminds us how hot she is.
  • Any time Stephanie starts chattering to fill an awkward silence.
  • When Holly reminds us how hot she is.
  • Every time Gene mentions “TeamHollywood” or calls himself “HollyWood”
  • When Joy mentions modeling or being in Playboy
  • Drink when anyone does a "shout out" on the live feeds.  Drink twice if it's to multiple people/places/groups.
  • When Jeffrey mentions the gay barn in Pennsylvania.
  • Any time you see Mike wearing a Boston t-shirt or talking about Boston.
  • When they all start talking about how much they all love each other.
  • Any time someone gives a wishy-washy answer to a direct question such as, “Who should go?”
  • When one of them mentions their children.
  • On Twitter, drink any time a player throws out a random "@" or "#" purely so more people see their tweets.  Drink twice if it's Gene.
Finish the Drink
  • If you see anyone other than Jeffrey, Joy, or Stephanie cooking.
  • If Kevin displays real personality other than "Captain America."
  • If Holly says something intelligent.

****Please drink responsibly.  I am not responsible if you accidentally kill yourself or get alcohol poisoning.  Be careful.  Pause the show or step away when necessary.


  1. lol - love this! I would be smashed in about 15 minutes though. :)

  2. It would take a full 15 minutes? I applaud your drinking abilities.
